9.6 VecPosition

VecPosition Is used to define 3-Dimensional Vectors which can be used to store posiitonal information. When the supplied Coordinate System type equals CARTESIAN, the arguments x and y denote the x- and y-coordinates of the new position. When it equals POLAR however, the arguments x and y denote the polar coordinates of the new position; in this case x is thus equal to the distance r from the origin and y is equal to the angle phi that the polar vector makes with the x-axis. By deafult CARTESIAN coordinates are used.

VecPosition::VecPosition(double x, double y, double z, CoordSystemT cs) {

    setVecPosition(x, y, z, cs );

There are multiple additional methods for handling the manipulation of a VecPosition object which can be seen in vecposition.h and the implementation for these can be found in vecposition.cc. These methods include stuff like checking if two VecPosition objects are equal as well as operators for handling the addition and subtraction of VecPosition objects.

For example if we define 2 VecPosition objects as:

VecPosition a = VecPositon(1,2,3);
VecPosition b = VecPositon(1,1,1);

we can find the sum of these objects simply by saying VecPosition c = a + b and this is thanks to the fact that

inline VecPosition operator + ( const VecPosition &p ) const {

        return ( VecPosition( m_x + p.m_x, m_y + p.m_y, m_z + p.m_z ) );

has already been defined for us to use along with many others.

A variable called ball in the strategy.cc file is of type VecPosition and it stores the position of the ball.